Were you handed a manual of “How to Have a Happy Marriage that Lasts” while exchanging vows?
There’s no rule book to it, right?
The truth is that a healthy marriage doesn’t just happen; it is created through love, effort, humor when things get chaotic, and those little moments of connection!
And, don’t go for over those social media couples with perfect life – no arguments, disagreements, or adjustments! That’s a complete illusion!
There will be days when it will feel like a perfect dance, while some will have you stepping on each other toes! Sure there will be bumps, but that’s the beauty of this relationship, making it all worth it!
According to the Institute for Family Studies survey, married adults are far happier than those who are not! So, whether you are single, planning to tie the knot, or have been hitched for years, you must know some little secrets to keep the spark alive!
This blog is loaded with a few of the most relatable marriage advice, making your happily ever after even better!
Ready to take notes? Let’s begin!
1. The “US Time”
According to an article published by the University of Minnesota, US couples who spend a great quality time together tend to be happier than being apart!
We understand in this messy, chaotic world, it’s really tough to spare time, specifically after marriage! Kids, work, family responsibilities, expenses– there’s so much everyone deals with on a daily basis!
But, at last, remember, it’s your spouse who will hold your hands and walk with you till the very end. This time won’t come again; so, make sure you both take time out and dedicate to each other.
2. The Essential Morning Cuddling Session
Does your morning also start by checking out your phone’s notifications or scrolling through reels? Well, let us tell you that as per the Institute for Family Studies, 1 in 5 married adults (21%) who overuse a phone are unhappy with their marriage, compared to 8% of couples who do not overuse it.
So, keeping aside everything, the first thing in the morning should be cuddling with your partner and expressing how your love is growing with time!
Make it a daily habit for at least a couple of minutes. This way, you’ll have a fantastic start to your day!
3. Say Out Loud the Words of Affirmation
One of the most common troubles almost every couple faces is - “My husband/wife doesn’t know how to express”, Right?
Well, marriage is all about expression!
Saying “I LOVE YOU” every time you leave, complimenting “YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL,” praising their food, sending cute texts, writing letters once a blue moon, etc. – all these little gestures will work like magic to make your bond even stronger.
4. The Overdose of Intimacy
Well, intimacy isn’t just about getting physical with each other! Undoubtedly, it’s like a foundation for a successful marriage, but it’s not what we are talking about here!
We are referring to having a physical connection but with an emotional depth! Holding hands while walking, pampering each other with massages, hugging & kissing every night, holding each other close, and cuddling as soon as you come home are a few ways to show that your relationship is way more intimate than just the physical connection.
5. Be Their Friend First, Spouse Later
If you want your marriage to last till your last breath, try to be their friend first and spouse later! When you treat each other like buddies, chances are you will feel less burdened and more fulfilled.
When you feel like friends, you’ll cheer on each other, make fun of each other, laugh over silly things, support each other every step of the way, and most importantly, love unconditionally despite being aware of each other’s flaws!
6. Never Stop Dating!
ou must have heard this from couples,” We used to date a lot and now things have been so different and dull since we got married!” Well, take note- avoid this at any cost!
Just because you are living under the same roof doesn’t mean you can’t go out on dates! To keep things fiery, dress up, go out, have fun, and feel those butterflies again from your early days!
7. Communicate, No Matter What
Talking is literally a savior! Whether it’s about your day, your dreams, or your struggles, keeping the lines of communication open is the glue that holds a marriage together.
Not only do we, but the majority of Reddit users also think the same! Let’s check them out:
So, speak it up no matter what because silence breeds misunderstandings, eventually killing your feelings and love.
8. Be Respectful to Each Other
When you disrespect each other, you not only fail as partners but also diminish the purity of your love. Respecting isn’t just about being polite; instead, it’s way beyond!
It’s more about respecting each other opinions, dreams, families, personal space, and, most importantly, feelings! Arguments happen, but how you deal with them without crossing the boundary line of respect is important.
9. Share Even the Smallest of Details- No Secrets
Transparency is the key to building trust, right? Well, hiding things, no matter how small or big, will make your partner feel you are not honest, which will eventually create misunderstandings, emotional distance, lack of trust, stress, guilt, and whatnot!
This is like a slow poison, taking your relationship to death bed gradually but surely! The solution? Be open and share those details that can make your spouse gain a sense of security and understanding.
10. Never Go to Bed With an Argument
These days, couples, after an argument, turn their back on their partners, scroll through their phones, and sleep! Do you think it’s a sign of a happy marriage? Well, not at all!
Particularly, with women, going to bed with an argument is like hitting the pause button on a storm - it will only get bad overnight! So, take time, listen up, and try to resolve things because your love doesn’t deserve such a treatment.
11. Don’t Ever Use the “D-Word” During Fights
Okay, when you get into that married zone, arguments, fights, and disagreements are bound to happen! If you hear anyone saying, “Oh, we never fight!” they are likely hiding a lot!
But, the point here is no matter how bad you fight or for how long you have been in that “cold war” phase, never ever mention DIVORCE! It is one of the most hurtful things to say to your partner, ultimately causing irreparable damage.
12. Never Take Each Other for Granted
When you take each other for granted, you stop putting in effort! That’s a harsh reality many couples are going through! It ultimately gives a clear sign that you don’t care at all.
When your partner gets into the misbelief that “no matter what happens, they are not going to leave,” it’s time to see this as a red flag for your marriage.
Appreciate your partner, notice the little things they do, and never assume they’ll always be there without effort on your part. Gratitude keeps love alive.
13. Marriage is All About 50/50
Gone are the days when a man used to be the only bread-earner and the woman used to take care of the household!
Now, is the time when both stand equal – equal in terms of responsibilities, managing expenses, helping with daily chores, kids, etc.
Sharing responsibilities is like a green flag of an unshaken marriage because when both invest equally in a relationship, the love thrives.
14. Commit Wholeheartedly to Your Partner
Why do marriages fail? The primary reason for a divorce as cited by 75% of individuals and couples in a Forbes article is lack of commitment!
When you don’t commit to a marriage, you automatically make it worse. Commitment isn’t just about saying, “ I am there for you!”; rather, it’s about showing up every single time, no matter what the situation.
Prioritize your partner above all, even if it means your parents or kids, listen patiently and be honest!
15. Get Healthier Together!
Couples who work out together stay together! No matter whether you are hitting a gym, taking dance classes, practicing yoga at home, or cooking nutritious meals, get healthier together. Doing so not only benefits your body but also strengthens your bond.
16. Decide Together, Not Solo
Marriage is a teamwork! Whether the decision is about buying a house or picking a movie to watch on Netflix, settle it together! Making individual decisions and not involving your spouse in them can eventually make them feel unappreciated.
When this undervalued feeling lingers in your partner’s mind, you will slowly lose them! So, hear them out, value their opinions, and give them the assurance that “ YOU ARE BEING INVOLVED AND RESPECTED.”
17. Be Honest, Even If It’s Hard
This is hard, but you have to be honest, no matter what! Speaking truth builds trust, and earning trust is the only way to make your marriage powerful. Even if you have done something terrible, come to your partner and admit it all!
It will definitely be tough but far better than speaking a thousand lies.
18. Keep Your Ego Aside; Apologize Sincerely
No one is good enough when it comes to apologizing. We always take it on our ego after merely trying once or twice to convince our spouse. However, the ego should not have a place in a happy marriage. If you’ve made a mistake, own up to it and apologize from the heart! Show up that your partner matters the most than your pride.
19. Surprising with Unexpected, Thoughtful Gifts
Let’s admit we women love it when our husbands surprise us with a gift, no matter if it’s just with our favorite food or even a car! But that doesn’t mean men don’t crave the same! They do, yes, absolutely, 100 percent!
So, keep surprising your spouse with thoughtful gifts after every one or two months. It doesn't have to be massive, but it definitely has to be meaningful.
20. Travel As Much As You Can
There is no better feeling than traveling together and exploring new places. Travel gives you a chance to create memories, discover new sides of each other, and break free from that monotonous routine.
Whether it’s a grand vacation at a beach, a trekking adventure, or a weekend road trip, hit the road and grow closer.
Wrapping it Up
Alright, to sum up, think of this blog as a marriage guide, helping you to form a bond that’s unbreakable and incredibly beautiful. Well, marriage isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but who wants that anyway?
It’s about finding joy in the little things, laughing through the chaos, and learning to dance in the rain—sometimes literally, when life gets messy. All and all, if you want to have a successful marriage, you’ve to put in effort every minute, every day!
Walk this journey together, with your hands and hearts united!