A Guide to Removing Wine Stains from Your Wedding Dress

A Guide to Removing Wine Stains from Your Wedding Dress

Honestly, it makes me nervous even to say, ‘Red wine on a wedding dress.’ A wine stain on your wedding dress can spoil the vibe of your big day. But as they say, bad things often happen in good times. So it is always wise to be prepared for worse rather than regret later. 

God forbid, if there’s a wine spill, first you need to calm your inner Monica Geller down, stop panicking, and take a deep breath. Red wine on satin or silk doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your dress. With the right tips and tricks, you can save the day. 

So, keep these stain-removal hacks handy, whether you're gearing up for your big day or just love being prepared for the unexpected. Trust me, you will be thankful in the future!

Quick Tips for Stain Removal... At Your Reception

It doesn’t matter which colored gown you wear on your big day—maybe wine-colored wedding dress or perhaps traditional white. These tips will be handy for any bride.

Know Your Fabric

Knowing your fabric can save the day when handling emergencies with your wedding dress. Different materials require different care, whether it’s a splash of wine on wedding dress or a sneaky lipstick mark. 

Before you buy, always check care labels. Not all wedding dress fabrics are water-resistant; some might end up with water spots if they get wet. 

For easier stain removal, polyester and other synthetic fibres have your back. They’re generally more forgiving and less hassle-free when cleaning than natural fibres like cotton. So, a little prep now means less stress and slater because you’ve got enough to think about on your big day.

Blot the Wine Stain with a White Cloth, Paper Towel, or Tissue

First, grab a clean, white cloth or paper towel. Avoid any colored fabrics, as you don’t want the color to transfer to your dress and cause another disaster. Gently dab the stain, starting from the outside and working your way in. The goal is to absorb the wine and spread it. 

A blunt knife can do the trick if you need to remove any residue. Just be careful not to rub or scrub, or you’ll worsen the stain. 

With these tricks, you can sigh in relief, knowing that the stain will not be visible in photographs.

The Power of Water and Soda in Stain Removal

If you have soda with you, give it a try. Wet a cloth with it and dab the stain gently. If you don’t have soda, regular or sparkling water will work, too. Hold the damp cloth over the stain and see if it starts to face. 

And DO NOT BE HARSH. Be kind to those delicate wedding dress fibers. With patience, you’ll be able to tackle the stain and keep your dress looking picture-perfect!

Use Dishwashing Detergent To Remove The Stain

You’ll likely find a kitchen at your wedding venue with readily available dishwashing detergent (such as Dawn). 

Apply dish soap to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. The soap's alkaline action will neutralize the wine's acid and loosen the stain from your fabric. 

For stubborn stains, wash the fabric with detergent. Always dab the stain with a dry cloth to avoid spreading it. 

Cover the Red Stain

If you’ve managed to remove most of the wine stain, but there’s still a little bit left, a clever trick. Apply some baking soda or talcum powder to the stain. This will help disguise it and make it less noticeable. Just be careful not to use too much, or you’ll end up with a powdery mess on your dress.

Tips for Removing Old Wine Stains

You’ll need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • A spray bottle
  • A toothbrush
  • Mix a solution of 1 cup water, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide, and a drop or two of dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the solution directly onto the stain and watch it disappear. If the stain is stubborn, you can gently scrub it with a toothbrush. 

    Just be careful. Hydrogen peroxide can sometimes act like a whitening agent, so keep an eye on your clothes. The amount of sprays and waiting time will depend on the fabric and how bad the stain is. Remember to wash your clothes right away after treating the stain.

    This method works wonders on all kinds of organic stains, such as coffee, chocolate, tea, and mould! 

    Additional Advice

    Can I remove an old wine stain?

    Yes, white wine can remove red wine stains on a wedding dress. While it’s true, if not done correctly, it can do more harm than good to your dress. The alcohol in white wine can strip the color from your dress, especially if it’s made from delicate fabrics like cotton, silk, or other natural fabrics. 

    Instead, opt for water. It’s a safer and gentler option that won’t damage your dress. As we discussed above, dab, don’t rub. Rubbing could ruin the surface of your dress, and that’s a disaster you definitely want to avoid. 

    What if I don't have club soda or dishwashing detergent? 

    Grab a bottle of club soda and pour it directly onto the wet stain. Watch as it bubbles up and starts to break down the stain. Keep pouring until the stain is completely gone.

    Once the area is dry, use a clean paper towel to blot any excess moisture. And just like that, your wine stain nightmare is over.

    Should I try to remove the stain myself or take it to a professional immediately?

    Even if you manage to tackle that wine stain at your reception, don’t forget the next crucial step: professional cleaning. For a wedding dress that will look stunning for years to come or be passed on to another bride, a deep clean is essential. Spot treating might do the trick at the moment, but only professional cleaning can ensure those pesky organic stains—like wine, frosting, or sweat—don’t lead to unsightly yellowing or browning over time.

    Consider Trusted Wedding Gown Preservation services to truly preserve your gown’s beauty. We specialize in keeping your dress as pristine as the day you wore it, ensuring it remains a cherished keepsake for generations. Trust us to handle your gown with the care it deserves so you can focus on celebrating your special day!